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Richmond Falcon Cam

Watching and Waiting

  • March 17th, 2015

As we watch and wait for the first egg to be laid, we have continued to observe a variety of activities in and around the nest box site by both the male and female falcon. Their continued scrape maintenance and presence at this site keeps us optimistic that we may see some eggs laid here in the near future.

Falcon feeding on prey atop the sign of an adjacent building.

Male peregrine falcon on ledge

Male on ledge

male peregrine falcon maintains scrape, an indent where they lay their eggs

male maintains scrape

Male peregrine falcon takes off from the nest box after the female enters.

Male takes off from the nest box after the female enters.

Female peregrine falcon perches on nest box

Female peregrine falcon perches on nest box

Female peregrine falcon maintains scrape

Female peregrine falcon maintains scrape

Male and female peregrine falcon together at the nest box

Male and female together at the nest box (male above and female below).